Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

3.5 Stars (out of four)

This film is a true rarity:   A worthy sequel that lives up to, and maybe surpasse its very good predecessor.  This movie can proudly take its place alongside such films as The Godfather, Part Ii, The Empire Strikes Back and The Dark Knight.

For those of you who did not see its predecessor, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, you will be a little lost.  The original is about a young, Indian hotelier, Sonny Kapoor (played with relish by Dev Patel), who is working to create a hotel designed to be a retiremen community in India in a delaptitated, old building.  A group of elderly british tourist on a group tour who are shocked at the condition of the building.  While the film starts with standard comedy tropes, it gradually becomes in a thoughtful discussion about loss as we grow older and the regrets we carry from life.  But then, through the resolution of their stories (not all happy), it turns into an optimistic note as it says there is always time for second chances as long as you gran for them.  It warns us not to be too tentative as the clock is always ticking and one day, it will be too late.

As we open the next film, Sonny is trying to convince a corporation of retirement communities to invest in his hotel so he can improve and expand to another building.  The chain agrees on the stipulation they will send an undercover inspector to assess the hotel to base their decision.  At the same time, Sonny is preparing for his marriage to Sumaina (the beautiful Tina Desail).  The combined stresses of the preparations for the wedding, his future in business, and the appearance of an old rival is ruining everything in the process.

This movie is such a breath of fresh air.  While it is, on the surface, a comedy of errors, in the end, it continues the theme of second chances; something we can always use from time to time.  The supporting cast is basically every great British actor over the age of 70, and there is not a dud in the bunch.  Each of their stories is just as engaging and each of them are superb.  But the particular standout is Dev Patel playing Sonny.  He is a living ray of sunshine, and even when he screws up, which is often, his Candide-like optimism is so endearing and infectious, you just can't help but love him.  You actively root for him to come out on top, no matter how ridiculous the situation, and you know he will.  It is impossible not to like him, and his naïveté would be irritating to most people, on him it is totally endearing.  This story is the perfect blending of comedy and drama, sacrificing none for the other, and leaves you with a feeling of delight in your heart that doesn't dissipate once the movie is over.  It is a wonderful film for all and I highly recommend it.

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