Tuesday, April 23, 2013


2 Stars (out of four)

Tom Cruise's newest film, Oblivion, has some good points and bad. First, the good. It is a beautiful movie, a visual feast for the eyes. There is rarely a boring moment as far as visuals go. The director who made this film also made Tron 2. And this is where the film goes off the rails. Tron 2 was also an incredibly interesting film for the eyes, but a fairly dull story. Oblivion has a good, but slow story. It's too bad, because the film's story has potential. The reveal at the end is quite good. Unfortunately, the film is what most critics call "deliberately paced," which is critic-ese for boring.

I like dystopian future movies. They are interesting, although a tad depressing. It is always interesting to see what people think the future will be like. It is just one of my quirks. I love The Omega Man, Waterworld, Escape From New York, The Terminator, all of them. Oblivion is a lot like Kevin Costner's The Postman. Both movies are actually pretty good, but take just a little too long to get to their respective denouments. It's too bad, because I really thought Oblivion was going to be good. I wanted it to be good, but it just falls a little short of the mark. I am not talking about the actual story because I don't want to give anything away. If you are going to see this film, you really do want to see it in a theater. It would lose a lot on a small screen. In the end, it's a lot of fun to watch, but it is a tad boring. There's really not a lot to say more about this film, I'm sorry to say. I know the review this time is short, but there really is not much else to say. Not great, but not bad.

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